A Bridge to Simple Squeezes (Second Edition)

Art. # 978-1-55494-142-1
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About the Book

What do you see? DUMMY ♠ 4 3 DECLARER ♠ A K Q 2 If your answer is 'Three top spade winners,' your vision can be improved! You should see 'Three top spade winners and squeeze possibilities using the ♠2 as a threat card.' Just this one rather ordinary suit should start you dreaming about squeezes. In this book, learning to recognize and appreciate threat cards plays a central role as you begin to understand how squeeze play operates. It won't be long before you can look at a layout like this one and begin to imagine how the East-West cards will need to lie in order for your squeeze to be successful. Very soon, you will get to the point where simple squeezes are a part of your regular bridge arsenal. The first edition of this book was named Book of the Year in 2006 by the American Bridge Teachers Association.

About the Author

Dr. Julian Laderman is a retired mathematics and computer science professor (Lehman College, City University of New York). He is a two-time winner of the American Bridge Teachers’ Association Book of the Year Award, winning for A Bridge to Simple Squeezes in 2006 and A Bridge to Inspired Declarer Play in 2009. His book on the history of bridge, Bumblepuppy Days, received the Alan Truscott Memorial Award from the International Bridge Press Association in 2016. For many years he wrote the bridge column for The Bronx Journal.

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ABTA Bridge Book of the Year

The prestigious <cite>American Bridge Teachers’ Association</cite> “Bridge Book of the Year” award...