Honors Books Frequently Asked Questions

Honors Books is an imprint of Master Point Press for bridge books that are considered to have a small, specialized market but still merit publication. Honors Books are available in digital format and in hard copy as a print-on-demand product (Master Point Press does not print the books in bulk). Have you written a book that might fit our Honors Books imprint? Find out all about it in this FAQ.

The Honors Books author has sole responsibility for preparing the material for publication. It is up to the author to have the material edited, proofread and prepared in digital format for printing, all at their own expense. By contrast, mainstream Master Point Press books are edited, designed, proofread and published at our cost.
Honors Books generally use a standard imprint cover design. Each Master Point Press title has its own unique cover design.
Honors Books are typically published both in PDF format (for digital sales) and in hardcopy using Print on Demand (POD) technology.
MPP puts the author’s print-ready file into production. We add technical ISBN, cataloguing and copyright information, as well as a cover (using the title, author photo, bio, and other information), and check that the file is in the format that is required. We also arrange for a final proofreading from a professional, at the author’s expense (usually $50-$100), and return it for final corrections. We then upload the file to our POD provider, which has printing plants all over the world, making it available very quickly to customers everywhere. For the digital version, MPP adds hyperlinks to your work, provides a cover, creates an ebook, and makes it available through its own websites, as well as those of other bridge book distributors.
MPP creates an author web page with your input, features the book on masterpointpress.com and ebooksbridge.com, sends out review copies throughout the world, markets and sells the book. Our books are advertised in major bridge magazines. We also run special promotions from time to time, especially with our sister companies BBO and FunBridge; during these promotions, ebooks may be discounted.
On an Honors Book, you would typically receive 50% of MPP’s net receipts from sales of your book, after direct expenses (such as printing costs) are deducted. You will end up getting approximately 22-25% of net receipts.
Net receipts are the amounts MPP receives from sales of your book after customer discounts, but not including taxes, shipping costs or similar items..
Honors Books are part of Master Point Press, the foremost publisher of bridge books in the world. The customer base we attract is specific to the bridge market. Having the HB imprint on your book is a guarantee of quality to potential buyers.
To have your book considered for publication, contact [email protected]. Please submit your manuscript or a Table of Contents and sample chapter from the book by email.