Bid More, Play More, Enjoy More, Win More: Expanded and Updated

An Honors eBook Art. # 978-1-55494-569-6
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About the Book

This expanded and updated second edition includes: two-overone as a game force, competitive bidding strategies, passed hand responding, harpening your tools, winning against experts and details of the author’s favorite Aspro Two openings. Expand your Bridge Horizons Adoption of the bridge advice and strategies presented in this book into your game will result in you bidding more, declaring more, winning more, and enjoying your bridge more. The author’s advice is to always evaluate your hand, and to show your “shape before strength”. Better contracts and better bridge will be your reward. The book is best employed as a constant companion. It provides individual advice, partnership strategies, and system recommendations that are consistent and holistic. Enjoy!

About the Author

MATTHEW THOMSON is a former member of the Australian Bridge Team, and has been a finalist in both the Olympiad and the World Bridge Teams. A bridge professional and teacher, he lives in Sydney, Australia with his wife, Cathryn, and with "Chubba", his Welsh Terrier.

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Media Reviews

April 13th, 2017
Australian Bridge
Matthew Thompson is one of Australia’s best bridge players and teachers. He has the knack of winning a lot of tournaments he plays, with a wide variety of partners. I think one of the keys to his success is his philosophy – start with a simple approach to bidding and play, and the rest will fall into place. A few years ago he wrote up a lot of his teaching notes and favorite treatments in Bid More, Play More, Enjoy More, Win More and now he has updated it to include a few more ideas. He is a big believer that hand shape and honor location are far more important than the basic 4-3-2-1 point count when evaluating your hand. He explains why you should stretch to respond with weak hands, and discusses strategies for competitive bidding. There are tips on how to take more tricks as declarer and how to improve your defense. The new edition also includes a section on 2/1 as an effective system, and Matthew’s pet convention, Aspro Twos.

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