Breaking the Bridge Rules: First Hand Play

Art. # 978-1-55494-153-7
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About the Book

Rules are made to be broken, and bridge is no exception. The the first of a planned four-book series on cardplay, this book deals with situations where the player who is on lead — defender or declarer, at the start of the deal or in the middle — needs to do something that involves ostensibly 'breaking the rules'. Not, obviously, the rules of bridge itself, but the well-tried adages that every player is taught — the rules of thumb that work in a lot of cases. Knowing when to break those rules is one of the marks of an expert player.

About the Author

Born in the UK, Barry Rigal now lives in New York with his wife, US international Sue Picus. A prolific writer for bridge magazines around the world, he is perhaps best-known as the VuGraph commentator at World and European championships.

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Media Reviews

June 1st, 2011
The National Post
" 'Breaking the Bridge Rules' is an instructive and enjoyable read for those who want their cardplay to be feared — and not just by their partner!"
June 1st, 2011
The Bridge World
"Delightful. The advanced reader can build a foundation for executing his own imaginative coups, and anyone will profit from improving technique or revitalizing alertness to repeated situations."
June 1st, 2011
American Bridge Teachers Association
"This is an exceptionally enjoyable book to read and would make a wonderful gift for favorite partners."
October 20th, 2011
IMP magazine
The importance of this book can hardly be overestimated. I am looking forward to the announced three following volumes.
May 1st, 2012
ACBL Bulletin
‘Rigal’s humor, unparalleled writing skills and knowledge of the game make him one of the foremost bridge authors working today.’ Rating A

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