Bridge Problems for a New Millennium

Art. # 978-1-55494-076-9
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About the Book

In this quiz book, British author Julian Pottage has compiled a set of challenges that will test the reader's ability both as declarer and on defense. The hands are organized by theme, so readers are able to concentrate on a particular aspect of card-play if they wish.

About the Author

Wales) is best known as a bridge problem constructor, and his many awards include IBPA Book of the Year. His most recent book for MPP was Defend or Declare?

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Media Reviews

June 1st, 2011
Evening Standard
"A splendid book!"
June 1st, 2011
The Mail on Sunday
"I liked the problems in this book, and found them set at exactly the right level - taxing but not ridiculously difficult."
June 1st, 2011
The New York Times
“Worth a place on any enthusiast’s bookshelf.”

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