Card by Card
Adventures at the Bridge Table Art. # 978-1-55494-130-8 Read an excerpt
Roy Hughes
- Number of pages: 366
- Isbn: 978-1-897106-07-5
- Language: English
- Categories:
About the Book
This book gives the reader a chance to watch an expert play a number of hands, either as declarer or defender. Most of the hands come from the author's own experience of top-level play. As usual in this type of presentation, the reader is offered the opportunity to make his own decisions at critical points in the play, and will be able to learn from situations where an expert took a different line of play - rightly or wrongly!
Media Reviews
June 1st, 2011
Australian Bridge
"A good book of problems, one that serious readers will find challenging but rewarding. Good authors encourage the reader to develop ways of thinking about problems that will be helpful insolving similar problems at the table. Hughes does this well, in an easy-to-read style."
June 1st, 2011
The Bridge World
"Hughes is a delightful companion for the reader..."
June 1st, 2011
International Bridge Press Association
“This book is a well-written and tightly-knit as its predecessor, ‘Building a Bidding System.’ We look forward to many more efforts from this engaging writer.”
June 1st, 2011
BRIDGE Magazine
“This does for play what Roy Hughes’ first book did for bidding. A very good guide to just how you should approach the problems any hand sets, In the bidding and the play.”
June 1st, 2011
Belleville Intelligencer
"I remember forty years ago when I was first learning this game how engaging I found the work of Terence Reese. Here was a writer who could entertain and teach at the same time. Yes, his work was difficult going, but since I wanted to improve, I persevered and as a result formed a life-long bond with the game. I can imagine someone similarly motivated feeling the same way today about this work by Roy Hughes. He has all the attributes of Reese. He uses Reese's over-the-shoulder approach. His writing is engaging and enlightening. His analyses are clear and thought-provoking. His style is conversational and entertaining. What's next, Roy?"
June 1st, 2011
Julian Pottage
"The majority of the deals focus on declarer play but a fair smattering of bidding decisions and defensive problems inject a sense of variety that turn a good book into an excellent one. Unlike other authors who have tried this style and relied on artistic licence from time to time (Reese and myself included!) Hughes freely admits when he has not actually involved at the table or where he has changed a few cards to make the deal more interesting (or more rewarding to the correct play). Hughes writes with a gentle authority that endears him to readers and I can thoroughly recommend this book to players at or seeking to attain a high level of play."