Counting at Bridge

The easy way to improve your game Art. # 978-1-77140-574-4
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About the Book

Bridge teachers emphasize to their students the importance of counting -- points, distribution, tricks, and so on. But it's hard to teach and even harder to learn, let alone assimilate to the point where counting becomes automatic as one is playing. This book introduces the concept of counting for newer players, and helps them to begin acquiring a skill that is critical to their becoming better players. Reviews "Very highly recommended for all new or even experienced bridge players wanting to improve their game." -- Midwest Book Review "NO skill more critical to being a good player and yet a skill so many new (and not-so-new!) to the game disregard in a mad rush to adopt more and more conventions. Perhaps one of the reasons counting gets the cold shoulder from so many beginners is the lack of really good level-appropriate literature on the subject. Enter a truly useful and well-written text to help fill that lack." -- Paul Thurston, National Post

About the Author

Dianne Aves (Canada) is a retired math teacher who is now a professional bridge teacher.

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