How Good Is Your Bridge?

Art. # 978-1-55494-060-8
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About the Book

Rate your bridge game with this fascinating quiz book on declarer play and defense. The author presents a series of card play problems, and assigns the reader a score based on how close to the optimum solution they get. Readers can expect their scores to improve as they work through the book, inevitably learning as they go.

About the Author

Danny Roth, of London, England, is a professional bridge teacher and writer with more than twenty books to his credit. His most recent MPP offering, 'How Good is Your Bridge' won the Best Book for Intermediate Students Award in 2008 from the American Bridge Teachers Association.

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Media Reviews

June 1st, 2011
The Bridge World
"Effective instruction through thoroughness, with copious examples and self-tests. The clear diagrams and tight organization are laudable."
June 1st, 2011
Jon Sveindahl, Norway
"The examples have good points and are instructive for any intermediate player, and the publisher suggests that the reader will not be able to work his way through the book without improving his game. I agree!"
June 1st, 2011
Frank van Wezel, Netherlands
"A very good book! The ambitious bridge-student will learn a lot from it."
June 1st, 2011
The National Post
"There are many bread and butter plays - both on offence and defence - that the aspiring player is unlikely to recognize the opportunity for without having seen them before. This book is an excellent source to get more familiar with these plays. A good read, and an excellent stocking stuffer for the bridge player on the list."

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ABTA Bridge Book of the Year - Intermediate

This award for a book targeted at intermediate-level players...