Kickback: Slam Bidding at Bridge - Second Edition

An Honors eBook Art. # 978-1-77140-300-9
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About the Book

Expert Slam Bidding for Everyone Until now, the Kickback convention has been the purview of the expert community. This book makes Kickback accessible to all tournament players for the first time. The author starts by explaining why Kickback is easier to use and more efficient than Roman Keycard Blackwood. The book addresses such vital issues as setting the trump suit, which strain to use to ask for key cards, the King Ask, the Queen Ask and Control Bidding. Also included are advanced topics such as showing a useful void, Six-Ace Kickback and Exclusion Kickback. A final chapter gives a simple version of the Third-Round Control Ask, vital for top-flight grand slam bidding. With many examples and twelve quizzes — two of them for partners to practice Kickback together — Kickback gives the reader the experience and confidence to use the convention effectively at the table.

About the Author

ROBERT MUNGER (Houston, Texas) is a bridge bibliophile, self-taught bidding theoretician and Silver Life Master. Father of four and grandfather of eleven, he plays bridge as much as his schedule allows. He is also the author of The Roman Two Diamond Opening and Variations.

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Media Reviews

May 23rd, 2019
A New Bridge Magazine
This book will give [readers] all the material they could want to understand and judge Kickback, and to use it effectively if they decide they want to.
July 11th, 2019
A New Bridge Magazine
Anyone who wants to adopt Kickback will find all that they need in this regard.

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