Play or Defend? 68 Hands to Test Your Bridge Skill

Art. # 978-1-55494-090-5
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About the Book

How good an analyst are you? HAND 2 - ACHILLES HEEL North ♠ A 9 8 5 ♥ Q J 5 3 ♦ Q J 10 ♣ K 4 West East ♠ K 10 7 2 ♠ Q 3 ♥ 8 7 2 ♥ K 10 6 4 ♦ A 8 ♦ K 6 5 2 ♣ 9 6 5 2 ♣ 10 7 3 South ♠ J 6 4 ♥ A 9 ♦ 9 7 4 3 ♣ A Q J 8 West North East South       1♣ Pass 1♥ Pass 1NT Pass 2♦* Pass 2NT Pass 3NT All Pass   *Checkback asking for 3♥/4♠ Contract: 3NT Opening Lead: ♠2 Going up with dummy's ace of spades will not work because the resulting blockage will be merely temporary. East can win the first diamond and cash the spade queen. The defenders will score three spades and two diamonds. Playing low at Trick 1 seems more obvious, and the queen wins. If East returns a spade, the contract makes. North's nine will take care of the fourth round of spades and declarer can take the winning heart finesse after setting up the diamonds. Is the contract always cold, or can the right switch at Trick 3 kill it? See page 86 for the second part of the answer.

About the Author

Wales) is best known as a bridge problem constructor, and his many awards include IBPA Book of the Year. His most recent book for MPP was Defend or Declare?

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IBPA Bridge Book of the Year

The International Bridge Press Association makes an annual award based on the votes of its member journalists...