Standard Bidding with SAYC
Art. # 978-1-55494-019-6- Number of pages: 192
- Isbn: 978-1-897106-03-7
- Language: English
- Categories:
About the Book
What is Standard Bidding? This is an increasingly hard question to answer, but the proliferation of bridge on the Internet in pickup partnerships makes it imperative that someone does so. Perhaps the most popular natural system for the hundreds of thousands of online players worldwide is the Standard American Yellow Card, or SAYC. In this book, for the first time, SAYC is fully described and explained. This will be an invaluable to aid to anyone wanting to learn and understand SAYC, or anyone who simply knows the basics and is eager to fill in the missing pieces in their repertoire.

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Customer Reviews
Review the productGreat book for beginners and intermediate players who want to learn SAYC.
Standard Bidding with SAYC is easy reading and with a large quantity of comprehensive examples of the issues, it is an essential book. It most definitely should be part of the libraries of those,like me, who are fans of Standard American.
SAYC-a standardized,universally agreed bidding system-is a great idea, and nowadays with the proliferation of online bridge and frequent pickup parternships, it's potentially more useful than ever. Unfortunately (and amazingly) there hasn't until now been a single, definitive 'SAYC' text. The authors have made a splendid job of remedying this.They work systematically through constructive,defensive, and competitive bidding, as well as leads and carding, in a friendly, approachable style, lightened by frequent humourous asides and historical tidbits. All the major bugbears are addressed(is Jacoby 2NT now 'standard'? Is 1C-2NT forcing? Is 1C-1D 1H-1S natural or fourth suit?) and whenever there's a choice of ways to play, they always give the 'official' position, while always making the reader aware of the alternatives. Basically, any two players who have read this book should be able to agree to 'SAYC' and, without further discussion, start playing-which is what SAYC was all about in the first place.