The Encyclopedia of Card Play Techniques at Bridge

Art. # 978-1-55494-141-4
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By: Guy Levé
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About the Book

This book, originally published in France in 2005, is an amazing achievement. The author has for many years been collecting and cataloging bridge hands with the aim of describing every possible tactic and coup available to declarer and defenders during the play of a bridge deal. The result is a compendium of more than a thousand types of stratagem, organized by theme, and progressing from the simplest finesse to the most complex squeeze — every one accompanied by carefully explained examples. The major sections are: 1. Thinking techniques 2. Special plays, coups, and gambits 3. Techniques specific to trump contracts 4. Finesses 5. Technical aspects of squeezes 6. Notrump squeezes 7. Trump squeezes Whether you are a casual player or a top expert, this is a book that simply has to be part of your bridge library.

About the Author

Guy Levé is a retired electronics engineer whose interests include science, genealogy, travel and several sports along with bridge. He lives near Montpellier, in France.

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