What Do These Bids Mean? A brief bidding review

An Honors eBook Art. # 978-1-55494-587-0
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About the Book

Visualize everyone’s hands from their bids only. What do their bids promise? Deny? Multiple possible Bids and Rebids show minimum, medium, or maximum hands. Are they forcing? What cards and points are required? What Seat are you in? Your bids will vary based on your Seat. Review a Bidding Concept and Bidding Sequences. Consult What Do These Bids Mean? and Thoughts. Take the Quizzes and check your Answers. Four players bid Final Test Hands. See the Full Deal and Suggested Bidding. Not Sure? Refer to Examples and Text Pages.

About the Author

Timothy LeVan is owner & founder of the Camp Hill (Pennsylvania) Bridge Club, and an ACBL-accredited club director, teacher, and soon Silver Life Master. He is also accredited by Easybridge!, and Audrey Grant’s Better Bridge. Formerly a classical pianist, he has performed with many singers from the Metropolitan and New York City Opera companies. He has two piano CDs, and two classical song translation books available on Amazon.com.

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