Winning IMPs

An Honors eBook Art. # 978-1-77140-322-1
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About the Book

This book highlights the strategies that contribute to success in team games. Of course, there is no magic formula for winning at bridge, given the inherent complexity, the incomplete information available to both sides, and the psychological elements involved. However, there are some characteristics common to consistent success: good bidding methods are essential these methods are useless without courage as declarer, care and planning are vital as a defender, a little thought goes a long way Winning IMPs in Teams and Swiss Pairs events requires good methods, skill, courage and a bit of luck. Winning often depends on getting to thin games (we bid it, you try to beat it!) and reasonable slams. Bidding is therefore a primary focus of this book. The rest of the time, significant IMP swings largely relate to (not enough) care and thought in the cardplay and defense. The remainder of the book centres around these areas of focus. Reviews Surprisingly, there has been little in bridge literature that focusses on the strategies of IMP bridge. Rakesh Kumar’s new book fills this void nicely. For 20 years he’s had a column in the NSWBA Bulletin covering his success and failures at the table. Rakesh’s first bridge book, Winning IMPs, is based on material from his column and discusses the strategies that lead to successful IMP play. This text focuses on the four essential areas of winning IMPs bridge.And all the key points are illustrated with many hands taken from actual tournament play. - Australian Bridge Federation

About the Author

RAKESH K KUMAR (Mittagong, Australia) has been playing tournaments since the early 1980s and, for over 20 years, has also been writing about them for the New South Wales Bridge Association (based in Sydney). His previous books for Master Point Press were Swing Deals and Winning IMPs.

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Media Reviews

July 11th, 2020
Paul Lavings, NSWBA
An excellent book for keen intermediate players wishing to improve their game, with lots of discussion, comparison of methods, good ideas and card play.

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