Victor  Mollo

Victor Mollo

book icon 7 Books
The late Victor Mollo (London, UK) is one of the best-loved authors ever to write about bridge. He penned many excellent how-to books on the game (including Card Play Technique, with Nico Gardner) but it is as a humorist, and the author of Bridge in the Menagerie and its sequels, that he is best remembered.


The Hog takes to Precision
Mark Horton & Bill Buttle & Victor Mollo
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Bridge in the Menagerie
Bill Buttle & Victor Mollo
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Diamonds Are the Hog's Best Friend
Bill Buttle & Victor Mollo
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Swings and Arrows
Bill Buttle & Victor Mollo
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Last Call in the Menagerie
Bill Buttle & Victor Mollo
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