Card Play Technique or The Art of Being Lucky (2nd ed.)

Art. # 978-1-55494-241-1
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About the Book

First published in 1955, this comprehensive survey of declarer play and defense has been very hard to find for the last decade. It is perhaps the single most-requested out of print bridge book, and is widely regarded as the best intermediate-level book on card play ever written. Gardener’s technical expertise and Mollo’s witty writing style combine to provide a unique instructional experience.   This new edition has been updated and modernized by Bridge Magazine editor Mark Horton, and also includes a new foreword by Gardener’s daughter, Nicola Smith, herself a multiple world champion.

About the Author

The late Victor Mollo (London, UK) is one of the best-loved authors ever to write about bridge. He penned many excellent how-to books on the game (including Card Play Technique, with Nico Gardner) but it is as a humorist, and the author of Bridge in the Menagerie and its sequels, that he is best remembered.

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The late Nico Gardener (London, UK) was a distinguished international player, winner of many British national events, and founder of the highly successful London School of Bridge.

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Media Reviews

February 25th, 2013
David Bird
I learnt how to play the cards by reading Mollo and Gardener’s Card Play Technique. As I see it, there could be no greater advertisement for the book. (My partner wouldn’t agree.)
April 29th, 2013
Jon Sveindal
\"The 21 chapters are founded on established pedagogical principles, and the Reader gets ample opportunity to try out new theories on plenty of exercises. The book is simply a dream for all who aim at improving their card play technique.”
May 2nd, 2013
The Midwest Book Review
Filled cover to cover with advice on making the most out of the hand one’s dealt – a must for bridge players everywhere.
May 27th, 2013
Tony Jackman, Queensland, Australia
A text no enthusiast should be without.
May 27th, 2013
The Bridge World
When I was a teenager, this was the first significant bridge book I read. It dramatically improved my understanding of declarer play and defense, and it piqued my interest in learning more. Later I discovered that others had had similar experiences.
June 7th, 2013
The Denver Post
One of the most revered books on cardplay.
June 18th, 2013
ABTA Quarterly
A modern classic that should be in every teacher’s (and most of their students’) libraries.
July 11th, 2013
ACBL Bulletin
It’s hard not to get more and more excited the further you get into the boo, - lessons learned immediately prove their worth in matchpoints, team wins and successful technique. When squeezes are presented, towards the end, you are ready for them. There’s nothing scary or mystical – a squeeze becomes just another card skill in your armory. While formatted like a textbook, the writing is anything but dry. How could it be with the dazzling Mollo behind the typewriter. This book frequently tops top p;layers’ lis5ts of ‘most influential books’, and for good reason.
November 26th, 2013
Phillip Alder, New York Times, November 2013
Recommended as a gift for your favorite bridge player.
November 26th, 2013
Kitty Cooper, ACBL District 17 newsletter
This new edition includes a lovely introduction by Gardener’s daughter, many-time world champion Nicola Smith. She includes some pictures and tells a few stories about the two of them, including the little known fact that Victor was her mother’s first husband! British bridge journalist Mark Horton has done a good job of modernizing the bidding in this delightful book without losing Mollo’s charming prose or Gardener’s masterful analysis. This is one of those books that belongs in every bridge player’s library; it can be enjoyed by players at every level.

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