All titles available from Master Point Press
Below is a complete list of all titles from Master Point Press
2/1 on Steroids
DISCOVER A NEW BIDDING SYSTEMModern bidding systems have evolved over the past hundred years, starting with four-card majors and culminating in 2/1, together with a plethora of conventions along the way (Stayman, transfers, Roman Key Card, to name a few). Yet you can still encounter the occasional deficiency — such as an ambiguous bid or ending up in the wrong contract. When this happened to Daniel Solow, he wondered if it was possible to fix some of the issues he encountered by developing a system from scratch using all of the effective bidding principles that have been developed over time, and the answer is... yes (but with some tradeoffs)!Join the author on a bridge cruise where you will meet some amazing women who unfold this new bidding system through illustrative hands. While no claim is made that this system should replace those currently in use, you will find the approach novel, interesting, and thought provoking. Who knows, perhaps you will decide to adopt their famous 3♣ Convention!
25 Bridge Conventions for ACOL Players
If you're like most beginning bridge players, you want to know more about bidding systems, and especially conventions. Even if you just play socially, it can't hurt to add a few choice gadgets to your bidding arsenal. This book describes and explains 25 basic conventions that you can easily assimilate into your own bidding. Each one is clearly and simply explained, and you'll see how it fits in the ACOL system if you decide to use it. Each chapter includes a helpful summary of key points and a quiz with full explanations of all the answers.
25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know
You can now purchase the 25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know 2nd Edition. American Bridge Teachers Association Book of the Year Award winner It doesn't take long before beginning bridge players want to know more about bidding systems, and especially about conventions. Even social players are usually keen to add a few choice gadgets to their bidding arsenal. Here 25 basic conventions and treatments are carefully explained, and the reader is shown how they can fit into standard bidding methods. Each section ends with a summary chart as well as a self-quiz to ensure that the concepts are understood. Translated Editions of 25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know 25 Bridge-Konventionen, die Sie kennen sollten! (German Edition) by: Barbara Seagram & Marc Smith 25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know(Japanese Edition) by: Barbara Seagram & Marc Smith 25 Konventioner du bør kende (Danish Edition) by: Barbara Seagram & Marc Smith
25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know (2nd Edition)
Since its publication in 1999, 25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know has sold more than 300,000 copies in six languages. It has become a much-valued learning tool and reference for everyone from social players to those who regularly spend time at their local bridge club. But bridge has changed in the last twenty-odd years. Bidding has changed. Some of the conventions in the original book have fallen into disuse, while others have gained in popularity and importance. Many basic conventions have changed in subtle ways as bidding methods have developed. It is now time, therefore, to update this modern classic so that today's players can be in tune with what is happening and stay current. This new edition has been thoroughly updated, while retaining the approach and features that made the original so popular. Each convention in the book has been carefully revised to reflect the way it is used in the modern game. Students are now universally taught to play transfers in response to a strong notrump opening, and the new edition reflects that change in several ways. Three chapters (Landy, Grand Slam Force and Ogust responses to Weak Twos) have been dropped completely in favor of Bergen Raises and the DONT and Meckwell defenses to 1NT. Reviews “This new and expanded edition will continue to be a ‘must read’ choice for all aspiring and experienced bridge players seeking to master and/or improve their game.” -- Midwest Book Review
25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know: Practice Makes Perfect
You asked for it! 25 Conventions You Should Know has sold more than 250,000 copies since it was first published, and continues to top the bridge bestseller lists. Over the years, readers have suggested that it would be an even better book if it offered some way to practice what they had learned. Well, here it is: a brief summary of each of those 25 conventions, together with example hands that can be dealt out and used to apply your new knowledge.
25 Bridge Myths Exposed
Do you remember the first few times you played bridge? To get you started, a friend probably gave you a few helpful hints -- perhaps one of the ones listed to the left. There are many such general guidelines for bridge players -- some of them valuable, some not. But these are the Bridge Myths, not the Bridge Rules -- because they all have exceptions and none should be followed blindly. In reading this book you will get to see what it is about each guideline that makes it so useful; more importantly, you will also learn to recognize the times when you should ignore it. DECLARER'S MYTHS - Draw trumps straight away - Hold up an ace - Win as cheaply as possible - Play low in second seat - Eight ever, nine never - Ruff losers in the dummy - Finesse whenever you can - Play on your longest suit first - Lead towards high cards - Ruff the defenders' winners - Lead low to a trick - Run your longest suit - Leave the big decision until last DEFENDER'S MYTHS - Third hand high - Return partner's suit - Cover an honor with an honor - Second hand low - Capture an honor with an honor - Lead through strength - Discard from your weakest suit - Score a ruff when you can - Never give a ruff-and-sluff - Split your honors - Follow low when a trick is lost - Don't ruff partner's winner
25 More Bridge Conventions You Should Know
Are you ready for the next 25 conventions? If you're comfortable with the material in Barbara Seagram's best-selling first book, then you're ready to move on to the more sophisticated bidding gadgets in this one. Even if you don't want to add all these to your own system, you need to be familiar with them because you'll find your opponents using them. Once again, each convention is clearly and simply explained, and you'll see how it fits into any standard bidding system if you decide to use it. Each chapter includes a helpful summary of the key points and a quiz with full explanations of the answers. CONVENTIONS: Ace-and-king (Italian) cuebidding Bergen Raises Cappelletti D.O.N.T. DOPI, ROPI and DEPO Exclusion Blackwood Fit-showing Jumps Flannery Forcing 1NT Four-suit transfers Gambling 3NT Ingberman Inverted Minor Raises Leaping Michaels Multi Two Diamonds Namyats Pick-a-slam 5NT Puppet Stayman Responding to Three-bids Snapdragon Doubles SOS and other Redoubles Stayman continuations Support Doubles Unusual over Unusual Weak Jump Shifts
25 Steps to Learning 2/1
Are you ready to switch over to todays most popular new bidding method? If you know how to bid using Standard American,you can make the move to the modern Two-over-One system using the 25 easy Steps contained in this book. Among the topics covered are: How Two-over-One changes your basic system and approach Which parts of your system don’t change (many!) How Two-over-One auctions work The Forcing 1NT Rebids by Opener and Responder Optional gadgets that go well with Two-over-One bidding, including: Bergen Raises New Minor Forcing Criss-Cross Minor-suit raises Fourth Suit Forcing Weak Jump Shifts Ingberman over Reverses
25 Ways to be a Better Defender
Defense is the hardest part of playing bridge, but that doesn't mean that it's impossible to learn. In the final book of the bestselling '25' series, the authors explain how to make a plan as a defender: how to work out from the auction and play what declarer probably has, and which of the strategies available to defenders is likely to be successful. Opening leads, signaling and discarding are all covered in this basic guide to a vitally important topic.
25 Ways to Compete in the Bidding
A follow-up book from the author team that produced the award-winning and best-selling 25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know. Aimed at the same novice/social/intermediate player as their first book in the award-winning '25' series, this new title deals with competitive auctions in which the opponents have opened the bidding. This is the most complex area of bridge bidding, and never, until now, has it been dealt with comprehensively in a book that is understandable by non-experts.
25 Ways to Take More Tricks as Declarer
Take more tricks whenever you play the hand! Isn't that what being a good declarer is all about? However good or bad partner's bidding may be, once the dummy comes down, it's up to you, the declarer, to make the best of it. And in this book, in 25 easy steps, you'll learn how. Join master bridge teachers Barbara Seagram and David Bird as they first show you the basic building blocks: finesses, hold-up plays, establishing a suit, making extra tricks with ruffs, and setting up discards. Then move on to learning how to make a plan at the start of each hand, how to count the opponents' hands and then use that information, and how to keep a dangerous opponent from getting the lead. Finally you'll be ready for more advanced techniques that you may think are beyond you: safety plays, dummy reversals, eliminations and throw-ins. Loaded with good, easy-to-understand advice, along with chapter-end quizzes, key-point summaries and a glossary of technical bridge terms, this book is sure to help you become a better declarer, and a popular partner.